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Detoxification program - restoration of physical and psycho-emotional state.

The goal of the program is to restore the physiologically necessary cleanliness of the intestine and its peristalsis, to eliminate pathogenic microflora. The program involves a step-by-step cleansing of the body from impurities using drug-free methods.

The goal of the program is to restore the physiologically necessary cleanliness of
the intestine and its peristalsis, to eliminate pathogenic microflora.
The program involves a step-by-step cleansing of the body from impurities using
drug-free methods.

Who is the program for?
The program is shown to people who have complaints about:
- allergy;
- liver pathology;
- skin problems;
- overweight;
- chronic fatigue syndrome.

Program results
- improvement of general well-being;
- elimination of symptoms of chronic fatigue;
- increase in working capacity;
- memory improvement;
- normalization of intestinal function;
- improvement of laboratory and functional indicators of organs and systems;
- decrease in body weight.

• Laboratory studies;
• Diagnostic examinations;
• Doctor's examination;
• Hydrocolonolaserotherapy;

• "Whiskey wraps";
• Water procedures ;
• Thalassotherapy;
• Massage;
• Physical procedures;
• Visiting the swimming pool as desired;
• Terencourt;
• Diet therapy

At the first stage of treatment, metabolic processes are normalized at the
level of organs and systems, such as: the gastrointestinal tract, liver, intrahepatic
bile ducts, the organs of the urinary system - kidneys are also included in the

At the second stage, the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and urinary system are
cleaned, fat and cholesterol metabolism is normalized, the tone of blood and
lymphatic vessels improves, and the immune system is stimulated.

The five-day stay course includes:
Diet therapy
Diet therapy is an integral and essential aspect of the general plan of
treatment measures, it aims to restore metabolic disorders, influence the disease
process, exclude products that have a harmful effect on diseased organs, and
thereby improve the condition of patients.
And also, if desired, to gain experience in properly preparing food for
personal consumption.
Phytotherapy covers a wide range of remedies, including herbal teas,
tinctures, extracts, oils, used for treatment, as prescribed by a doctor and indicated
for diseases.

Hydrocolonolaserotherapy is a safe medical procedure, which involves
thorough cleaning of the intestines, as well as irrigation with various medicinal
Technically, it is an alternating phase of filling and emptying the intestines
with the help of a special rectal complex.
After completing a course of hydrocolonolaserotherapy, you will
experience: improvement in general well-being, normalization of sleep, feeling of
lightness, increase in working capacity, normalization of the functions of internal

"Whisky Wraps"
During the procedure, the body is detoxified, its volumes are reduced, and
the condition of the skin improves. Wrapping has a positive effect on the condition
of blood vessels, increases tone and increases the flexibility of the body.
Temperature changes together with the effect on the body of special
cosmetic products give an incredible result and a feeling of light euphoria.

Balneological procedures
Baths with therapeutic solutions:
Improvement of microcirculation during bath procedures causes blood flow
to internal organs, enriches them with oxygen and nutrients. This improves the
work of the digestive system, endocrine glands, lungs and heart. Baths have a
positive effect on the nervous system, normalize sleep and appetite.

"Charcot shower" procedure
It is based on the impact of a shock jet of water, which opens up a wide
range of positive changes in your body.

Thalassotherapy is a procedure that helps to improve the general condition
of the body due to the positive effect of concentrates, medicinal peloids and algae.

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